Mar 16, 2018

When we stayed strong through the meows, attempting to deepen fading sleep by rolling over and pulling up the covers, he went for the bunky boards supporting the mattress. Jaxy assumed the position of a bumble bee suckling a flower, curling himself into the space beneath the bed and using his whole body as leverage to hook into the sturdy wood and claw like crazy. He wasn't a hell cat, or overly bored. He just wanted attention and play after eight hours of alone time he inevitably endured every night when we went to sleep. It was both cute and annoying as fuck.
At the sound of his scratching, I succumbed, jolting upright then softening when he saw me and stopped, flopping into a half moon on the carpet, open for love. I wrapped all my attention around him, then kept him company while he ate. As he headed toward the litter box, I slid back into bed and snuggled into Jimmy's diagonal, warming the bottoms of my bare feet on his shins. A few deep breaths of that before meows lit up the silence once again. This time Jimmy peeled himself up from laying to sitting and I watched him pad out of the room with Jaxy bouncing at his side.
"Ohhh! Who's a sweet boy? Look at you!" Even out of eye shot, I knew Jaxy had hit the floor, open for more morning lovin' from his cat papa. Sleep was now nowhere to be found, so I lit the candles and boiled water for tea. Pulled a spotted banana off the bunch and gathered these words in my mind. I could only be thankful for the days that sleep faded quick like fog burning off in the sun, so I could relish these sweet morning moments with my boys. They filled the day with love from the very second it started.