Dec 4, 2017
What does "making it" even mean? Is it when I get a car? Become a bestseller?
Will I have "made it" when I move into a house? Get my family better gifts? When I can say, "It's my treat" at every restaurant?
Did I "make it" when 1 million people follow me on Instagram? Or I upgrade to a Tesla? When my cat has a ceiling-high jungle gym to hang on or a whisker-conscious water bowl?
Can "making it" be measured or attained? If I "make it" or I don't - does it matter? Will I feel better about my life when I have?
Is a passion good enough to make a life? How much must it sustain to be worthy of pursuit—Nothing? A little? A shit ton?
When will I know "I've made it"?
Or did it just happen when I stopped trying.