Aug 2, 2017

We take a chance when we put ourselves out there. Book an interview. Write a blog post. Share anything at all.
It can be scary as hell. Rejection happens. Sometimes it's expressed as outright criticism. Sometimes it's a penetrating silence that we perceive as dislike, lack of interest or an all-around flop.
We risk typos and word-flubs, "coming across wrong" or being misunderstood.
But the receiving end is beyond our control. We can't corral people's perceptions. There is so much left unseen—who sees it, how they feel about it, what they do with it. That's their deal.
We've done our part. Created. Relished. Shared. Released.
We opened ourselves up to being seen and heard in bigger ways when we decided to show up as we are.
And now, we do it all again.