Even though I shrunk at the extended darkness of daylight savings time, the sun was so warm it put me at ease. We'd been outside every day this week in weather so fine you could wear a sweater just for aesthetics or skip it altogether.
"If this is the result of Global Warming, I'm all for it!" I air-pumped my fists and welcomed a rush of bright air through the car window. He shook his head and we both laughed at how horribly non-PC I was.
"Woooo hoooooo Global Warming!!!" he cheered, shooting his arm up like we were at a concert.
Winter was a season I slid into depression, but this time, Global Warming had my back. These extra warm weeks were buttering me up to nurture myself through the cold. I was rolling right into 3.5 months of soul-insulating SelfLove that had the potential to turn even the darkest of days to summer inside.
What if winter became a wonderland for SelfLove? Early bedtimes. Yoga breakfasts. Afternoon walks. Candlelit baths. Fun outings. I could bundle up in stylish accessories ~ checkered scarves and hipster beanies, fingerless gloves and knee-high boots.
This season could be different, better, more bearable . . . possibly pleasurable. All thanks to my new friend, Global Warming.