Jul 8, 2017

For years I was a serial entrepreneur, trying anything and everything just to make it. I figured whatever I was good at I could make money from, and ideas were never in short supply. Execution was quick. Failure frequent. Disappointment became my survival currency and I grew farther apart from myself in desperation. I hit the wall so many times it disintegrated to graham cracker dust. Then my soul stopped. I couldn't keep creating on the path of over-production and workaholism. Sleepless nights. Endless hustle.
That way was over.
Now I had to see something greater for my life. I had to be someone bigger. I had to live the dream that flowed in my veins and seeped through my brain circuits with effortlessness. It was mindless, heart-filled work. My true love . . . Writing.
My spirit said, Ditch the reality to live the dream. See beyond your circumstances. Prioritize your joy. Give yourself permission to do things differently.
Anything else was just surviving, and I was over that.