Jun 21, 2017
This time around, I decided I want death to be something I celebrate, not dread. It's a beautiful inevitability that catalyzes the widest range of emotions to be set free. It's an experience that amplifies our understanding of Self. Passing shines a light on what's truly important to us. It makes clear the fleeting nature of the physical body. And can inspire us to live fully, care for ourselves and use our time lovingly while we choose to stay.
Today, I had a convo with great friend and author of Wise Talk from the Other Side, Heather Criswell. Her book, along with teachings like Abraham Hicks and Matt Kahn, have dramatically shifted my perspective on passing. They've exploded the truth of love in the death experience that's completely transformed everything I was taught about it being sad, tragic and depressing. Death offers a divine opportunity to truly respect the choices of others—on a soul level, how they've chosen to pass. Can we strip away our judgment of death's appearance, in all its painful physicality?
Despite my learned enlightenment, death still swirls a stew of emotions. It's everything—sadness, relief, freedom, joy, confusion, frustration, appreciation, impatience, love . . . Death is so immensely vast, intricate, diverse ~ as are our beliefs about it. Yet here we are, all living and dying, feeling the unavoidable realness of passing. These words are for you today. You that breathes the beautiful messiness of life. That sometimes feels lost. That sometimes loses others. You that's chosen to be here for the wild ride of life that pulls no punches and gushes every experience at our feet for us to piece together in attempts to better understand who we are and why we're here.
No matter the relationship you have with death, there is a universality in the experience that compassionately unites us in love. And that, is cause to celebrate.
lotsa love ~e