Oct 23, 2017
It's in the plan to write a book called My Undies Are Too Tight. A funny, raw collection of stories sharing the topsy-turvy relationship I've had with food and body over the years. Through periods of healing, restriction, bingeing, food fear and body shame, I've been tested to know my beauty regardless of my appearance. That's a real challenge for me. I can say that, by now, after many years stressing, worrying and obsessing over food, I cradle a deep desire to celebrate it, and myself. For me, falling in love with life again, exploding small, consistent wins and staying joyfully busy with my passions has lifted the load on the food front. Maybe Body-Food-Being Love is a magic mix of time, practice and happy distractions. When I think about it less, my spirit seems to magnetize my appetite to what my body craves. Truly seeing my beauty at every stage is another potion altogether, one I'm sure takes time and practice, but I'm not sure what else, yet.