Nov 3, 2020

If I'm at Whole Foods and get a banana for a snack, I'm more likely to save it than throw it away. Toss it in my compost heap when I get home, relieved I'm contributing to the creation of rich, hearty soil in the very ecosystem surrounding our bungalow instead of piling one more thing in a landfill.
Recycling's a toss-up these days. Because it's currently not a commodity, trucks drive straight to the same destination as the trash. I diligently clean and dry our recyclables anyway, on the hopeful off-chance this is wrong, depositing them in the blue bin and rolling them to the curb every other week.
My body products are minimal. Our shower doesn't require so much as a caddy because we no longer use conventional shampoo, conditioner or body wash. We treat ourselves with specialty soaps from outdoor markets and boutique shops just for kicks. I use a sea sponge for a loofa.
Household cleaners consist of baking soda and white vinegar, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day all-purpose spray and one, undeniably toxic lime-away spray for heavy duty grime removal in the tub. We utilize foaming Miracle II soap as face, hand & body wash, detergent, stain-remover and general cleaner.
On a typical day, if you open our fridge or scour our cabinets, you won't find meat, dairy, coffee or anything that comes in a bag other than dried fruit.
I'm officially hippie as fuck.
I'm not political. I don't celebrate holidays. I don't vote. I always seek a holistic, energetic or dietary healing option before resorting to the medical system. I have dreadlocks. (This means I do basically nothing in the way of primping and never buy hair products anymore.) Most days, I don't wear deodorant or makeup.
I also buy lotsa shit (beyond what I need) on Amazon. Binge watch TV shows. Go on DoorDash jags consisting of the unhealthiest fast food and heavy fare imaginable. Sometimes I drink wine until I'm drunk. I occasionally smoke cigarettes. I exercise regularly for a while, and then I don't, at all. I use a bit of bleach for my whites every few months. And when the diatomaceous earth doesn't get the job done, I treat the leaf cutter ant holes with poison.
I'm a hippie, and a city girl. I'm healthy and I'm not. I'm a beautiful bundle of contradictions. And I'm ok with that.